Logging Grape API calls with Graylog2

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We are using Graylog2 together with Rails to provide a central logging platform for all of our Rails applications. Unfortunately, Grape, a popular API builder written in Ruby, has no automatic configuration for logging to Graylog.

We are initializing the Graylog2 logger in the config/environments/production.rb:

  app_name ||= config.action_mailer.default_url_options.try(:fetch, :host) || Rails.application.class.name.underscore.split('/').tap{|i|i.pop}.join('/')
  config.logger = GELF::Logger.new("logging.example.com", 12201, "WAN", { :host => app_name, :environment => Rails.env })

Here is a snippet, which solves the logging issue when put into the Grape classes:

class SomeApi < Grape::Api

  before do
    @start = Time.now.to_f

  after do
    duration = (Time.now.to_f - @start) * 1000
    logger = Rails.configuration.logger

    logger ||= Rails.logger
      short_message: "[#{status}] #{request.request_method} #{request.path}",
      code: status,
      ip: request.ip,
      user_agent: request.user_agent,
      params: request.params.except('route_info').to_hash,
      duration: duration.to_i,
      session: request.session.except('session_id', '_csrf_token').to_hash

  # ...


Note: The solution above won't log exceptions. We don't track exceptions through Graylog but using the Airbrake/Errbit combo.

Note 2: I already blogged about, how to make Graylog work with Rails.