Dev-Links #8 - Rails

1st November 2020 – 824 words

In this ~monthly section, I collect all my developer specific bookmarks that accumlated in my Pocket account over the last weeks.

Ruby & Rails

API pagination design

Returning all results for a given query could be a challenge for an API, especially if there are thousands of results. It puts a load on a server, on a [...]

Slight intro into using Cursors instead of the beaten page/offset param for pagination

Setting Up Cypress, Rails, and CircleCI

Recently I set up a Rails app with Cypress end-to-end specs on CircleCI. Capybara's the Rails default for this, but Cypress is better. It's faster, more stable, and its in-browser spec runner is a much better experience than writing specs in Capybara.

Some new alternative to (unstable) Capybara/Selenium combo by using modern stuff from the Nodejs world.

GitHub - ParentSquare/faulty: Fault-tolerance tools for ruby based on circuit-breakers

Fault-tolerance tools for ruby based on circuit-breakers - GitHub - ParentSquare/faulty: Fault-tolerance tools for ruby based on circuit-breakers

Wrap your unstable/unreliable API-calls into a Circuit Breaker - the simplest way to generate a new Rails app with (or without) all the bells and whistles

A online wizard to decide a Rails New command, which uses RailsBytes snippets under the hood to build a new Rails app with your preferences of dependencies

Diffend - OSS supply chain security and management platform for Ruby - Running with Ruby

I’m incredibly excited to announce a security platform for managing Ruby gems dependencies: This platform is a result of my involvement in Ruby security matters for years. It all started in early 2018 with a tool to review gems versions diffs. While working on it, I’ve noticed that there’s much more that needs to […]

Diffing between Gem versions as a (free?) platform.

Also, after listening to the Episode #100 of the Remote Ruby podcast, I've found some interesting resources related to Rails upgrades.


A companion gem for the "Ten Years of Rails Upgrades"

Three tools for managing Rails upgrades:, deprecation collection, bundle compatibility report

How to Stay Up to Date With Your Rails Application

Introductory blog post by Fast Ruby


RailsBump lets you check your Ruby gems for compatibility with all major Rails versions. This is useful if you're planning to upgrade a Rails app to the next major version. You can either check an individual gem or a whole Bundler lockfile (Gemfile.lock). Read more about how it works and the history of this project on GitHub and please open an issue if you encounter a problem.

Process improvment/Architecture/Misc

Modern-Day Architecture Design Patterns for Software Professionals

Many modern-day applications need to be built at an enterprise scale, sometimes even at an internet scale. Each application needs to meet scalability, availability, security, reliability, and…

The man who brings the human touch to Google Cloud

Kelsey Hightower defied the tech sector's diversity problems to become one of the industry's leading figures. Now he wants everyone's voice to be heard.

Nice developer origin story about a famous cloud architect and open source contributor

Sound of collegues

Are you too missing the office? Keyboard clattering, office dogs and printer errors.

How to measure technical debt - andre.schweighofer

In my years as a software engineer I was always drawn to the shiny new things. But time and time again I got confronted with code ridden with technical debt. If you are working in tech you probably heard of technical debt. For product managers it is the sword of Damocles alluding delayed projects and rejected feature requests. For engineers it can be a tremendous source of frustration and reason to quit jobs and move on. Why is technical debt so widespread and why is it so hard to beat?